Sunday, November 22, 2009

actions express priorities

This is an excellent quotation by Mahatma Gandhi. I got this quotation by sms from somebody few months back. Since then, it has been extremely useful to me.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

afraid of conflicts or to criticize?

Why to be afraid of conflicts with each other? I do fight with my mother on certain points. We have strong opinions on those points, so we do fight on those points. But either me or she doesn't think that our love for each other reduces by expression of such conflicts. Similar is case with few friends, we do fight and it doesn't affect much to our friendship. So having conflicts does not necessarily mean we disagree with the person in all. We just disagree with the person to the limited scope of the conflicting point.

Positive criticism to friends helps them to get better - at least I feel so. So why afraid of telling some friend that you feel he or she is doing wrong? Isn't this keeping opinion to yourself harming that person? Isn't this one kind of selfishness?

importance of certain times

I had fight with one of my friends some days back. We had decided to meet on some particular day. She called up that day to say that we will meet the next day. Somehow I insisted we meet on the same day. I strongly felt like seeing her so I insisted we meet on the same day. She dropped plan of meeting me because of her other priority tasks. I felt the priority tasks were actually sub-priority tasks and I told her so. She didn't seem to like that ( I wouldn't have liked too).

If one sees logically, I might be wrong in this case, and may be I am. How can I define priority tasks for her? But, I have habit of expecting certain things in certain ways from my friends - and I follow those. For example, I get upset if some of my friends misses my call and doesn't care to call back within sufficient amount of time. Regarding conversations with close friends, I feel sometimes the particular time has to be respected for that particular conversations. Obviously, these are not where-about type of conversations. It could either be some type of intense experience sharing, something discovered or similar. I feel, once the time is missed, the zeal of that thing goes away. Sometimes the experiences are so intense, that you can't have the same conversation at some later moment.

Probably I need to re-define the importance of time in such cases.