Monday, August 31, 2009

Ignorance is not justified

I was reading Vinoba's 'Madhukar'. It is a collection of short thought-provoking essays written by Vinoba Bhave. Vinoba writes in an essay - the lack of knowledge (ignorance) cannot be justified. One cannot say that I broke the law because I didn't know such a law exists.
How true is this! Thirst for knowledge is must for the very reason.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

an excellent film

Watched THE movie yesterday - GUNDA!! Directed by Kantilal Shaha and the hero is Mithun. It is a best worst movie :) I don't know what would be the intentions of the director - such as to create a real movie or a spoof or a crap, but it is an awesome movie for sure. I was not able to sustain my patience till the end as I do not have the appreciation angle essential for a such best worst movie.